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Wildwood Admissions

Thank you for your interest in having your son/daughter attend Wildwood School. In order to review your child’s application we will need to receive the following documents:

1.  A referral letter and informational packet from your school district’s Committee on Special Education Chairperson (CSE) which includes:

  • Current IEP
  • Most recent Psycho-Educational Evaluation
  • Most Recent Speech, OT & PT Evaluation(s)
  • FBA, Behavior Plan and Behavioral data
  • Any other pertinent information

2. A completed “Admissions Parent Questionnaire from you (packed received during informational tour).

3. A copy of the child’s most recent Physical Exam and Immunization Record (Typically parents request this form from the doctors office and then send it to us).

Please Return Paperwork

To:Wildwood School

Attn: Admissions
2995 A Curry Rd. Ext.
Schenectady, NY 12303
Fax # 518-836-2201

The admissions committee will review the application only after all of the above documents have been received. Then you will be contacted regarding the next steps.

If you have any questions regarding the above information, please contact Admissions at 518-836-2300